Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall is not near, it's here!

We are loving this beautiful fall weather! It's been really nice having the extended warm weather, since we missed a lot of summer with Tori and me being in the hospital. We are now living in Springville, and there are pumpkins patches everywhere! We have one right behind our home on 400 south. A couple of days ago Tyler, Tori, and I went over to the pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins. It was so fun, and totally reasonably priced! They give you clippers to go out and cut your own pumpkins. They also have tons of fun things for kids to enjoy. There is a miniature maze, a pit full of corn kernels for the kids to play in, a hay ride, and petting zoo. This will be so fun for us to go to as Tori gets older and is able to enjoy it a little more!

Dadda and Tori
Love her little face in this one!

Tori and Momma
Our sweet girl
Love my little family!


Friday, October 14, 2011

My 1st post EVER :)

I always wanted to blog, but never had anything interesting to blog about. Well, now that I have a little family of my own, I'm sure I can find lots to blog about! :) I'm excited about it, and am especially excited to be able to share our everyday stories with my friends and family. I think blogging is really great because our friends and family that do not live close by, or that we don't see often can still feel like they know what's going on in our lives, and we can stay connected. :) Enjoy, I know I'm going to!