Friday, December 16, 2011

A list of events :)

Well, it's official that I'm the worst at updating this blog! I feel like I can never find time, but here it goes...
We stayed in Utah for Thanksgiving this year. We went over to my Grandma and Grandpa Monsen's for Thanksgiving dinner. It was super chill and low key, which is nice to have during this time of year.

Here we are Thanksgiving Day :)

Our bug eyed girl! :)

Tori and her Great Grandpa Monsen

 Then, late Thanksgiving night Tyler's family came into town. Tyler's parents and 2 brothers stayed with us, and Tyler's sister, Jacey, and her family stayed with their friends. It was so great to have everyone around, and we were excited that they were all able to make it for Tori's baby blessing. We definitely missed Tyler's brother's family though, they were unable to make it because they live in Ohio.
The first day we all just hung around Provo and went to the BYU bookstore and the Creamery on 9th. We also tried to do a little Black Friday shopping, but that lasted about 40 minutes. It was way too crazy, and there was nothing I wanted bad enough to have to be apart of the madness.
The next day we all went up to Temple Square. As usual the lights were beautiful, but man was it super packed. I've never been to Temple Square when it was that packed. It was still a lot of fun though.

And thanks to my friend, Heidi, Tori didn't have to freeze her buns off! The bear suit is seriously the cutest thing. Tori looked so adorable. People were totally doing double takes on Tori just to make sure there was a baby in there and we weren't just carrying around a pink teddy bear haha :)

Baby girl and her Dadda

Our cute little family

Me and my little teddy bear girl

Tori with 3 of her cousins.
Cambria, Micah, and Jonas.
Too cute!

Aunt Jacey, Tori, and Cousin Cambria

 Then on Sunday we blessed our baby girl. The blessing was so beautiful. I can't believe how emotional I was, but the spirit that I felt there was very special. I'm glad we finally got to bless our baby girl, and had family there to share that special moment with.

Tori wore my baby blessing dress. Isn't it pretty?! I really was amazed at how great of shape it was in. After all it is almost 22 years old! :) Our sweet girl looked so beautiful.

Tyler's family, minus 5

Here's my immediate family, minus 2 brothers.

Pretty Cambria, Handsom Micah, and Sweet Tori


Cousin Cambria rocking Tori

Oh, so sweet!

Grandma Cheryl, Cambria and Tori

We can't wait till they come visit again!

Monday, November 21, 2011

You've gotta love Pinterest

So my new current obsession, along with everyone else, is Pinterest. They just have the best ideas for decorating my home. Especially Tori's nursery. Here is the first project I've tried.... key word being TRIED. I'm going to have to give this one another go, but the first attempt was a lot of fun.The idea is to have Tyler put his hand print on canvas and then for Tori's to be inside of his. 

This is what we got when we tried to add Tori's hand print.

A smeared hand print and...

one messy baby! 

Isn't she just the cutest?!

Luckily I took her clothes off before we started this otherwise we would have really had a mess on our hands. Seriously though, I thought this project would be easy, but Tori was just clenching to tightly that it was nearly impossible to pry open. Not to mention then be able to place it down flatly on the canvas and make a perfect hand print. The one attempt we had she smeared as she took her hand off the canvas. Looks like we're going to have to start over another day. It was a funny experience though, and made for some good family bonding time. :)

Time to play catch up! ~ Halloween

I know I'm almost a month late, but I figure I better get this posted before Thanksgiving is here. Better late than never right? :) Well this Halloween was a lot of fun. Probably more fun for me than for Tyler and Tori because I got to dress my sweet girl up. Seriously having a little girl to dress up is the funnest. I wasn't sure what I wanted Tori to be for Halloween and had to wait pretty much till a week before to buy her costume because I wanted to make sure that it was the right size and wasn't sure if she'd still be in newborn clothes or if we'd graduate to the 0-3 months size. My first thought was a lady bug, but I couldn't find a custome I liked. Then I came across this beauty at the Quilted Bear.

Every Halloween, for as long as I can remember, my Aunt Susie makes soup and pumpkin style bread bowls. Then a bunch of the family gathers together to eat before the kids go trick-or-treaing. Tyler and I headed over there as soon as we got off work. The food was delicious as usual. We always have a good time, and it's definitely a tradition I look forward to every year.

Tori with her Aunt Taylor (my little sister.)
Tori with my cousin Megan. She and her sisters were cute little witches!

After the night was through we changed Tori into her Halloween pajamas from Grandma Cheryl (Tyler's Mom.) They looked so darling on her. And we can't forget Tori's Halloween bracelet that her Great Grandma Monsen (my grandma) made her.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall is not near, it's here!

We are loving this beautiful fall weather! It's been really nice having the extended warm weather, since we missed a lot of summer with Tori and me being in the hospital. We are now living in Springville, and there are pumpkins patches everywhere! We have one right behind our home on 400 south. A couple of days ago Tyler, Tori, and I went over to the pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins. It was so fun, and totally reasonably priced! They give you clippers to go out and cut your own pumpkins. They also have tons of fun things for kids to enjoy. There is a miniature maze, a pit full of corn kernels for the kids to play in, a hay ride, and petting zoo. This will be so fun for us to go to as Tori gets older and is able to enjoy it a little more!

Dadda and Tori
Love her little face in this one!

Tori and Momma
Our sweet girl
Love my little family!


Friday, October 14, 2011

My 1st post EVER :)

I always wanted to blog, but never had anything interesting to blog about. Well, now that I have a little family of my own, I'm sure I can find lots to blog about! :) I'm excited about it, and am especially excited to be able to share our everyday stories with my friends and family. I think blogging is really great because our friends and family that do not live close by, or that we don't see often can still feel like they know what's going on in our lives, and we can stay connected. :) Enjoy, I know I'm going to!