Thursday, November 8, 2012

Recent Happenings

So I find myself bored at work, with nothing to do, and realize I have not updated the blog in quite some time. I wish I was better at it, I read blogs from Pinterest all the time and am jealous of these creative women who are so good about always updating their blog --- not to mention, they make it so much fun to read! Maybe I'll make it a New Year's resolution to update at least twice a month. We'll see.

Any-who we have had some exciting things happen the past couple of months. Our Tori girl is just growing up so fast. Within a month and a half she decided to start crawling (around 13 months old) and the went quickly to walking (14 months old.) We couldn't be more proud, and neither could she. She is a very independent little girl with a lot of personality and energy, she keeps us very very busy.

 I love that her hair is getting so long that I can pull it up in ponies!
                                                           Our little model girl

Tori just turned 15 months old (can you believe it?!) and with that comes another well check up visit with the doctor. I like going to the doctor to see the progress she's making, but HATE it because she always has to get her shots. Today was Tyler's first time coming to the doctor with us, so it broke is heart to have to watch his baby girl look up at us with horror and tears in her eyes as the nurse poked away. Luckily, Tori recovers pretty quickly and hasn't suffered any major side affects from the shots.Yet. (Knock on wood.) I am happy to say that she's growing (still very petite) and weighs almost 19 lbs. She's in the 17th percentile for her weight and in the 12th for her height.
At the doctor

Currently Tori loves to climb the stairs, play peek-a-boo, dance, play outside, swing in her baby swing (yes, she still swings in her baby swing!), read books, play with stuffed animals and eat. This girl eats more than any baby I've ever met, and she'll eat ANYTHING you give her. We have been very fortunate that she's a good eater since I know it's not always so easy to get kids to eat. Something really funny she does is anytime she hears music that sounds like a hymn, she'll start waving her arm like she's leading music. It is soo cute. 

Here she is sleeping in her swing

Our little girl also loves to talk talk talk. Here are some words she's learned (in no particular order):
Ba-Ba (bottle)
Wa-Wa (water)
Tay Tay (for my sister, Taylor)
Nigh-Nigh (night-night)
Vroom (car noise)
Tuh (light, and she points at the lights)
Where is she/he?
Where is it?
What's this?
Sledder (the name of her favorite beanie baby dog)

On a completely different note, we have really enjoyed how beautiful the weather has been! This fall has been the most perfect weather and allowed us to spend a lot of time outdoors. This Halloween was a lot of fun since Tori was able to appreciate things a bit more than last year. We carved pumpkins (far too early, and were rotten before Halloween) and let Tori play in the "pumpkin guts." I think she enjoyed it, and was especially fascinated by the candle inside. I'm horrible at remembering to take pictures, so we didn't get any of our finished/lit pumpkins.

We also went to the pumpkin patch right by our house again this year. If you live near Springville I highly recommend it for the kids. They have wagon rides, animals, a play pit full of corn kernels, a maze, and lots of pumpkins! Tori didn't really know what to think of all the corn kernels, but loved the hay and seeing the animals.

        This is the only "decent" family picture we got

Tori was pebbles for Halloween. She looked so stinkin' cute. I was a major slacker this year and didn't even have her costume until 2 days before. I knew what I wanted her to be, but it took me forever to just sit down and make the costume. I was nervous that it wouldn't turn out cute and that I'd have to go buy her some expensive costume that I didn't even really like. Luckily, it turned out perfect. And to think that it only cost me $4-$5 to make, and I made it without sewing. Score!!

We attended my work party and also went to my grandma's house, my mom's house, and my aunt's house. It was a busy day, but we had a lot of fun.

Then just this past weekend Tyler's parents were able to come to Utah and spend a couple of days with us. We enjoy it when they come, since they only get to see Tori a couple of times a year. We just bummed around Park City and did some Christmas shopping. On Sunday we had an early Thanksgiving with The Monsens since my grandparents are moving to Arizona for the winter and won't be around for real Thanksgiving. Two Thanksgivings? Yes please!
 Here she is cruising around in style in Park City