Wednesday, May 9, 2012

April April April

I've been dying to get Tori's pictures taken professionally since we haven't gotten any since she was a newborn. They turned out sooo stinkin cute. I'll put a couple here and upload the rest on Facebook.

We spent Easter in Utah this year with my family. My brother also had his homecoming talk Easter Sunday, so we had a lot of family get together. It was a good time. Here is Tori in her pretty Easter dress.

The weather really started to warm up this month, so we spent a lot of time outside at the park and taking walks.

Tori's first time on the swings. She loved it!


 Tori also turned 8 months old this month. She has completely mastered eating baby food/treats and sitting up on her own. She even sprouted her first 2 teeth! As exciting as the teeth are, she has definitely been more cranky than her usual self. She was also sick this whole month as well, so I finally took her to the doctor and they said there was nothing that they could do for her. Poor girl, she's been sick with a cough for over 2 months now. They weighed her and she was 14 lbs 8 oz.

Our cute little Tor-Tor


  1. She is so cute. I love all her faces with her tung. Can't wait for Owen to meet his cute little cousin.

  2. Tori is adorable, I can't wait to see her in a few weeks.

  3. Way too Cute ~ Love the pics. Tori is a beautiful girl. Miss you guys! :)
